2022/23 News Archive
These are the news items relating to the Rotary year 2022/23

Petrus project manager Hayley Messam and Fundraising Officer Colin Manford gave an update on accommodation and the Housing First pilot which continues and is an exciting new way of helping homeless people.
Day attendance at the Petrus Hub Great George street offers a free breakfast, health checks showers, clean clothing and advice. While the PIER garden near Croft Shifa health centre is expanding into a real therapeutic area for vulnerable Rochdalians.
An Empowerment garden has been designed and constructed by service users as a show garden at Tatton Park Flower show in July.

The annual International Team fund-raising meal took place at the Thamin Restaurant, Littleborough on 25th May. 22 members, friends and guests enjoyed a hot buffet of Indian food. £200 was raised for International projects.

The Club Assembly was held on 18th May when incoming President Linda Mainwaring outlined her plans for the coming Rotary year. Her officers to spoke to Assistant District Governor, Ian Cochrane, about how they would assist Linda during her term of office.
Ian then updated the Club on the District Governor's aims and encouraged us to support Rotary Foundation and to work collaboratively with other local clubs.

Jessica Kateryniuk-Smith from the national children and young people's charity Place2Be spoke at the Rotary club on 4th May.
It’s a charity to support young people with mental health problems by means of a counselling service. The counsellors are specifically trained to support the school in helping their pupils to have a better learning experience and reduce the stress experienced by vulnerable children.
There is mental health support going to 170 schools within 50 miles of central Rochdale at remarkably little cost-a lunch time counselling session is just £16.
Impact of Place2B is showing over 70% of counselled children improved mentally and had fewer fixed term exclusions.

On 25th March, a Club visit was organised to St Edmunds Church in Rochdale, where members were told of the history of the Church and given a guided tour by Howard Bowden, followed by a late lunch at The Oxford pub.

Joanne Ali from Springhill Hospice visited the Club to update members and friends on their latest activity. Jo expressed a desire to work with the Club, something wholeheartedly supported by everyone.
The Club hosted a heat of the District Youth Speaks competition at Falinge Park High School. Details of the heat can be found here.

Speakers Michael Buczman and Howard Bowden thanked our club for the purchase of a PA system used for the December concerts at St Edmunds Church in Falinge.
Michael's grandfather came from Lviv and he described his efforts to keep their childrens' hospital going.
Friend of St Edmunds church Howard gave a detailed illustrated history of the unique church founded by Rochdale Freemasons. It has been extensively repaired and now is open to visitors and available for events.

The Club donated boxes of Crocus bulbs to Rochdale In Bloom who helped various groups plant them in and around Rochdale to raise awareness of the End Polio Now campaign.
Pictures of the planting can be found on our Polio page here.

Dr Anita Sharma a local GP and President of Rochdale Inner Wheel described to Club members how, despite women's health being a top public health priority, endometriosis diagnosis and treatment is still underfunded. It on average takes 6 years for women to get diagnosed. She has helped set up Endometriosis Awareness North Charity which gives women advice and promotes awareness and research. More information is available at www.endometriosisawarenessnorth.com

The final Club meeting of 2022, was the annual Christmas meal. A three course treat was served up, followed by the singing of some traditional carols accompanied by John Taylor on the piano readings by some of our members and Friends.

The winners of the Geoff Butterworth paintings Grand Raffle were drawn on 10th December they are:
First prize: 'Passing Storm' won by Andrew Hutchinson
Second Prize: 'It's All Steps Here' won by John F Kay
Third Prize: 'Rochdale sunken Gardens' won by Abid Maqbool

Following the visit of Ryan Bradley from Rochdale AFC Community Trust, President Elect Linda Mainwaring and Presidential Nominee Irene Davidson arranged a collection of toys for the Trust's Christmas Appeal from members, friends and supporters.
The 2022 Annual General Meeting took place on 5th December where the Presidential Team for 2023/24 was confirmed as follows:
President: Linda Mainwaring
President Elect: Irene Davidson
Presidential Nominee: John Holder

Ryan Bradley of Rochdale AFC Community Trust gave the Club a talk on the work of the Trust and its support for the youngsters of the borough.
The Rotary Club of Rochdale held its 96th Charter Night on 20th October, when members were joined by fellow Rotarians from our daughter clubs for a three-course meal and a talk by Richard Ronksley, the Principal of Rochdale sixth Form College.

The toast to Rotary International was given by Vice-President Linda Mainwaring, David Castree Past President of the Rotary Club of Rochdale East proposed a toast to our club to which President Selwyn Hodge responded.

Ian Austin former Lancashire all rounder was the latest speaker at our Annual Cricket dinner.
Over 90 people enjoyed hearing of the days when Lancashire were top of the one-day competitions helped greatly by Ian's clever run saving bowling 'at the death'.
A raffle, stand up bingo and auction of Ashes tickets added to funds on the night. Net proceeds go to give quality coaching to young Rochdale cricketers. Over £25000 has been raised over the last 11 years.

Rochdale Woman of the Year 2022, Sarah Fitchett, talked to the Club about the work of Papyrus, a charity working to prevent young suicide.
President Selwyn Hodge is supporting the vital work of this charity throughout his Presidential year. More information on Papyrus can be found here.

Also on 1st September, IPP Merrilyn Chadwick presented her charities with donations from her year of fundraising.
Representatives from Rochdale RSPCA, Rochdale Children's Moorland Home and Mercy Ships updated members on their latest activities before accepting cheques from Merrilyn.

IPP Merrilyn with Jackie Brook and Shirley Mellor from Rochdale RSPCA

IPP Merrilyn with Garry Bradbury from Rochdale Children's Moorland Home

IPP Merrilyn with Alan Kershaw representing Mercy Ships

On 1st September Faisal Latif became the newest member of the Club as he was inducted into Rotary by President Selwyn. Membership Secretary John Kay watched on.

Social evening at Castleton Bowling Club
On a rain affected evening 30 Rotarians, Inner Wheelers and friends enjoyed a fun night out playing crown green bowls followed by a pie supper.
Many struggled to get near the jack on a soggy green but Lis Kay and Russell Bray gained a bowls trophy for their cabinets presented by President Selwyn.
Many thanks to Castleton bowling club for their hospitality and Millcroft Tea Rooms who did the catering .

The 2022 Classic Car and Bike Show took place a Falinge Park on a lovely hot sunny day. Over 200 vehicles were on display, along with 35 stalls selling a variety of goods. 2,000 passed through the park gates and enjoyed a great day.

Images courtesy of Ken Rowlett

Videos from the show and now available on the Car Show page here.
The 2023 Car Show will take place at the same venue on Sunday 16th July 2023.

The Presidential handover took place at the Masonic Buildings on 7th July. IPP Merrilyn Chadwick thanked her officers for their work over the last 12 months before handing the Chain of Office to incoming President Selwyn Hodge.