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The annual dinner to raise funds for youth cricket training in Rochdale took place on 20th March. Organised by former International cricket umpire, Rtn John Holder, this year saw former footballer Duncan McKenzie as guest speaker.
70 people enjoyed a 3-course meal, took part in the raffle and auction and were entertained by Duncan for almost an hour. Raising around £1,000 in the process.

Taking advantage of the lovely Spring weather, a few members called at Rochdale Children's Moorland Home to help them get the grounds tidied ready for this years' guests.

Rotary Rochdale hosted the District 1285 NE final of Youth Speaks in the Bright Room of Rochdale Town Hall. Four teams took part in each of the Intermediate and Senior category, with the respective winners being Falinge Park High School and Thornleigh Salesian College. Both teams now move on to the District Final on Sunday 23rd March.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Erin Parsons returned to the Club to give members and friends an insight into the STEM trip she took to Florida with the Girl Guides. From seeing rockets lift off, manatees swimming under the boardwalk, taking part in experiments in science, space, technology and maths, Erin spoke of the enormous lift the experience had given her confidence.​​​​​
Members and Friends took part in the Inner Wheel quiz to raise funds for the Brain Cancer Trust. Rtn Neil Helliwell set the questions and a fun night, with a good pie supper was enjoyed by all.​​​​​​​​​​​

Dr Sushil Marijawala, our newest member, told us all about his paediatric career, from university in India, his time in Saudi Arabia and then back in his home country. Eventually moving to England working in the Midlands before becoming a GP in Rochdale.
With his caring personality, he makes a great Rotarian.

We celebrated Rotary Day a little early with a meal at the Waterside Restaurant. 25 members, friends and family attended and helped raise £285 for President Irene's charities.

Following the Environmental Project we funded in 2024 at Deeplish Community Centre, Members and Friends were given a very interesting presentation into the history of the organisation and its incredible achievements over the last 35 years.​​​​​​​​​​​

The local heat of Youth Speaks took place on 3rd February at Falinge Park High School, where five teams took part to win a place in the Area Final.
The team from Falinge Park School won the intermediate competition, whilst the senior title was taken by Hulme Grammar School.
Both teams now move forward to the Area Final at Rochdale Town Hall on 16th March.
More pictures can be seen here.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The first meeting on 2025 saw Rtn David Acton MPHF and Rtn John Kay PHF tell members about the history of the Grow Bag project, and the plans for its future.​​​​​

The final meeting of 2024 was our Christmas meal. a lovely 3-course dinners followed by mince pies. Entertainment was provided by the Littleborough U3A Guitar Group, who had everyone singing along with their varied programme.​​​​​​​​​​​​

25 members and friends attended the 2024 Pudding Evening and helped raise £350 for Mary's Meals. 10 puddings were served up by Neil and Heather Williams, along with a Christmas Food quiz, won by Bulletin Editor Elvet Smith.​​​​​​​​​​​​
The 2024 AGM confirmed John Holder PHF as the incoming President, Neil Williams PHF as President Elect and Neil Helliwell as Presidential Nominee. Ian Madeley PHF will be taking on the role of Membership Secretary, whilst Vinod Gadiyar will be our Foundation Officer.
John Kay PHF and Derek Heywood were thanked for their long service in these two positions.

President Irene, IPP Linda and Secretary Bob attended the first anniversary event for Teen Lives Matter. They are an organisation deeply committed to aiding teenagers who are grappling with emotional and ​psychological challenges such as self-harm, extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts and depression.​
Due to their important and necessary work, President Irene has selected Teen Lives Matter as one her charities.
Lisa Halden from the North Care Charity explained to members about how the charity works within our local hospitals. She then spoke about the Sunshine Appeal to improve areas in the Royal Oldham hospital for their young patients.
A quick whip round raised over £50 for the appeal.

The Club celebrated its 98th anniversary at the Charter Night event held at Rochdale Golf Club. President Irene was joined by District Governor Jean Billingsley, along with the Presidents of our daughter clubs Rochdale East, Middleton and Heywood 2020.

During the evening, President Irene presented Rtn John Whitley with a memento as a thank you his 25 years service as Club Treasurer.
She also presented Rtn Dr Ravi Sharma with a Paul Harris Fellowship for his work and dedication in organising and funding the club's involvement with Youth Speaks over the last 15 years.
Rtn Ian Madeley was also made a Paul Harris Fellow on the 20th anniversary of him being Club President. President Irene commented that Ian's willingness to help anyone, anywhere who needs it, made him a true Rotarian.

Speaker for the evening was Ian Briggs, who entertained everyone with his experiences as a motorsport marshall. He even included some audience participation which had everyone in stitches.

Faisal Latif, our youngest member gave the first 'My Job Talk' for some time. He told members and friends about his roots, his family, his upbringing, education and of course his jobs. Giving us lots of laughs along the way.

James Cretney from the Greater Manchester Blood Bikes organisation told the Club about their very important work across the north west. They don't just move blood between hospitals, they could be taking samples to laboratories, moving organs for transplants, supplying the Air Ambulance and moving donations of breast milk amongst other things.
Their voluntary work has saved the NHS millions of pounds over the years.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Club members, Friends of Rotary Rochdale and other friends, took a day trip to Lytham St Annes. As well as a look around the two towns, a visit was made to the main lifeboat station where, IPP Linda Mainwaring presented a cheque for £1,000 towards the training of a volunteer. The Mayor of Fylde Borough Council, Karen Henshaw attended for the ceremony as she too is supporting the RNLI in this, their 200th anniversary.
The group were then shown around the station and their Shannon Class lifeboat RNLI 13-24 by Chris Wrigley and volunteers from the station. Finally, the day was rounded off with a Chippy tea in St Annes.​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Alison England from Cancer Research UK gave an informative speech on the work of the charity and the importance to their work of legacies left in wills.

IPP Linda Mainwaring presented the proceeds of her Presidential charity collection to deserving local causes. Firstly, £1,000 was given to James Earnshaw from the Fireground Museum to be spent on their learning and communities programme.
£2,000 was presented to Mark Oldham and Lily Galvin from Littleborough Boxing and Fitness Club towards the development of the community garden at the Whittles sports ground site.
Previously, IPP Linda had given £1,000 to the Rochdale Children's Moorland Home, and has a further donation to make to Lytham St Annes RNLI during the club visit later this month.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

President Irene and Youth Services Team Leader Paul Rowen visited the Deeplish Community Centre to view the activities of, and present certificates to the 60 young people who had taken part in environmental project and play scheme funded by a District Grant.​
More details of the project can be found on our Youth Projects pages by clicking here.​​​​​​​​​
Following their presentation at the District Conference earlier in the year, Kidscan were invited to the club to tell members more about the organisation, why it is needed, and the research it is helping to fund.
Contributions to the Smile Box and the contents of the small change box were placed in the collection bucket to help, in a small way, to solve this big problem.
More information on how you can help Kidscan can be found on their website by clicking here.

Melanie and Linzi from Teen Lives Matter, a relatively new organisation based in Littleborough, explained to members and friends about their aims and aspirations for the young people of the borough.
President Irene in giving thanks for their presentation, announced that Teen Lives Matters would be one of the charities she would be supporting during her year of office.
More information on Teen Lives Matters can be found here.

The 2024 annual Bowls Evening took place at Castleton Bowling Club on 25th July. Friends and Rotarians took part and despite the promised sunshine not materialising, a good night was had by all.
Ladies champion went to Sandra Madeley, whilst Neil Helliwell took the men's title.
Energy was restored afterwards with a wonderful pie and peas supper.

The annual Classic Car and Bike Show took place on Sunday 21st July under sunny skies. Over 200 vehicle were on display and more than 40 stalls provided a variety of wares.
The event was held to raise money for the local charities supported by the outgoing President Linda Mainwaring.
More pictures will be available on the Car Show website, but make a date for 2025 and join us on Sunday 20th July in Falinge Park, Rochdale.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Presidential handover took place on 4th July and say Linda Mainwaring pass the regalia over to Irene Davidson, the 98th Club President.

New President Irene, then presented ribbons to Vice President John Holder and Second Vice President Neil Williams.

Inner Wheel President, Nicola Helliwell presented President Irene with flowers to end the evening.