Mary's Meals
Mary’s Meals is a very, very simple concept. It just simply provides one good nourishing meal in a place of education every day for the world’s poorest children.
These life-changing meals attract hungry children into the classroom. The food fills their empty bellies so they have the energy and opportunity to learn, giving them the chance of a brighter future. The meals also support families struggling to feed their children while boosting the country’s wider economy.
The school feeding programmes are owned and run by community volunteers in the countries where we provide food.
Wherever possible, locally produced food is served. This supports the local community and its farmers as well as the wider economy.
2.42M children are currently receiving Mary’s Meals in 16 countries. It costs only £19.15 to feed a child for a whole school year. 93p of every £1 donated is spent directly on the charitable activities of Mary’s Meals.
The Club continues to support Mary's Meals by having an annual frugal meal of soup and bread or a Pudding Evening while donating to them the cost of the normal weekly meal.