Friends Group

Friends of Rochdale Rotary are people interested in keeping in touch and assisting the work of Rotary but who are unable to commit to full membership. "Friends" can join either as an individual or as a representative of a local charity, business or other organisation.
By being a Friend, you can become involved, working alongside Rochdale Rotary members within the local community, by volunteering on projects and activities; and enjoying our social and networking events .​

As a Friend, you will be invited to attend our monthly 'Friends Evening' and to events where you will get a closer understanding of what our Rotary Club is currently doing and hear plans of future activities. This will also give an opportunity to meet other Friends and the Club members and to become involved and assist in current projects.
Friends can bring extra skills and experience to our service projects which will strengthen our ability to support those in the local community who require assistance.
If you become a Friend of Rochdale Rotary, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the community, making new friends along the way, and have fun whilst doing so.
And when you feel the time is right for you, as a valued Friend you would be welcomed into the Rotary organisation as a fully fledged Rotarian.