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Book Club

Bookcase graphic

The Book Club is open to Rotarians and Friends. To join the club contact Elvet Smith at Rochdale Rotary. There are only five members at present so more would be welcome.


The Book Club meets on first Monday in the Month from 7.30pm until 9.30 pm currently online via zoom.


Recent books read in 2020 included 'Munich' by Robert Harris. Set before the start of WW2 it’s a fictional story but with good backup historical research about Chamberlain’s futile attempts to persuade Hitler to compromise. This is the third of Harris’s books read by us after 'Enclave', set in the Vatican, and 'Dictator' about Roman senator, orator and political philosopher Cicero.


'The Body' by Bill Bryson, a humorous but at the same time serious description of the human’s internal anatomy and workings. Can be a bit heavy for long reading but ok read a bit at a time.


'To Rise Again At A Decent Hour' by Joshua Ferris features the  humorous fictional antics of an American dentist.


'Shylock Is My Name' by Howard Jacobson a humorous author explores the world with a Jewish slant.


For a complete view of books read over past 10 years click here or on the books below.

Book shelf graphic
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